Art With A Purpose

While the New Leaf Art Lab is designed to operate within the “Art World”, and hopefully support me in the process. That isn’t the true goal.

Some define true art as something that only exists for itself. The artistic statement is the purpose. Not here. In this lab, I create for a reason beyond sustaining myself, though I freely admit that is a vital part of the mission. For I cannot help if I’m not here, or my contributions go unnoticed.

That is why I will offer special art pieces in addition to the pieces available in the Gallery. The sale of these art pieces will go directly towards the implementation of a project solely designed to benefit nature and the species we share the Earth with.

For each environmental project I will establish a full budget to cover the cost of materials, their installation or fabrication, and any outside consulting or approvals such as engineering review or governmental permits required to complete the project. Then create special artwork to make it happen.

For example, a special project to create shorebird nesting habitat where no nesting habitat currently exists (on a rooftop), while helping reduce stormwater overflow, establishing resilience against sea level rise, and mitigating the effects of climate change. The budget for this environmental project will be $25,000 from start to finish. I might do a limited run of sculptures, say 25 total, and sell them for $1,000 each. Once they are all sold, there would be enough funds to implement the environmental project. Everyone who purchased a sculpture might be offered project specific opportunities to get more involved. Such as helping to review data generated from the project, getting access to photos, videos, or other content not available on the public website, and maybe even participate in the project on some level.

Throughout my career I have really enjoyed working with community based non-profit organizations focused on the environment. Whenever appropriate I would like to get these types of groups involved with the implementation of these special projects. Whether to help relay work skills through direct application, assisting in post installation monitoring or maintenance, or as part of an educational scientific learning program these projects can help expose our communities to a variety of aspects of environmental science as well as encourage their own artistic expression and personal growth.

And the best part is, we change the world together.

Like I said. Art with a purpose.